
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Saint Report Presentation--Scoring Guide for Wednesday, February 24th

Saint Report Presentation

Presenter: _____________________________

Fully prepared; report is complete                                               1        2        3
Posture is erect, but not stiff                                                     1        2        3
Can be heard and easily understood                                           1        2        3
Voice is expressive                                                                       1        2        3
Pronounces words correctly                                                       1        2        3
Presenter is natural, conversational and sincere                        1        2        3
Includes relevant information about the saint                           1        2        3
Maintains good eye contact with audience                                1        2        3
Presenter uses correct grammar and vocabulary                        1        2        3
Presentation flows smoothly with no unnecessary pauses          1        2        3
Subject matter is accurate and up-to-date                                 1        2        3
Includes many details of that saint’s life                                     1        2        3
Speaker understands the content of the research                     1        2        3
Ideas are clear and make sense                                                    1        2        3
Order of the details makes sense                                                1        2        3
Logical paragraphing is present                                                   1        2        3
Specific and descriptive words are used                                     1        2        3
Sentences have different beginnings and patterns                     1        2        3
The piece is easy to understand and flows properly                    1        2        3
The presenter put full effort into this report                             1        2        3
                                                                                                      Total: ______/60