Up-Coming Dates to Remember
May 11th - Sixth Grade Prayer Day at the Mount
May 12th - Mass planned by Mrs. Thompson's Class
May 13th - Faith in Education Shirts
May 16th - Sixth Grade visit OCMS/Third Grade visit 4-6 Campus
May 17th - No School!
May 19th - Mass planned by the Sixth Grade
May 24th - Fifth Grade Instrument Fitting 2:30-5:00 Multi-Purpose Room
May 25th - Spring Choral Concert 6:00 in the gym
May 26th - AR Park
May 27th - Last Day of School for Students/9:00 Mass and Sixth Grade Recognition Ceremony/No Extended School Day Program. Sixth Graders may be checked out following the reception after Mass. All other students may be checked out at 11:00.