Monday - 8:00 Opening Prayer Service
for CSW. 4th & 5th Grade Academic Team Practice. Focus Groups until
3:15, Quick Recall until 4:00. Team 3 LEGO practice until 3:30.
CSW Theme - Feeding our Neighbors - Students may wear their favorite football
shirt with uniform bottoms if they bring in a can of soup for "Souper Bowl
- 5:30 Prayer and Worship Concert. Please join us
for this first time concert. 6:00-7:30 Book fair open. LEGO Team
practice until 3:30.
CSW Theme - In Our Students - Students may have a non-uniform day and assigned
no homework. 8:30-11:30 Students tour St. Stephen Cathedral and learn
more about the Year of Mercy as well as the Cathedral. Shirt designs are
due. 5:30 Praise and Worship Concert and book fair.
- 2:30-3:15 Quick Recall Practice. 5:00-6:30 Volleyball sign-ups at
the 4-6 Cafeteria. LEGO Team practice until 3:30.
CSW Theme - In our Faculty, Staff and Volunteers - Students may dress as one of
their favorite teachers or staff member.
Thursday - 9:00 Mass planned by Mrs. Hardesty's class. Fr. Pat Reynolds will
be celebrating with us. 5:00-6:30 Volleyball sign-ups at the 4-6
Cafeteria. Mid-Quarter Review. Please check your child's grades in
CSW Theme - In our Vocations - Mass at 9:00 students will be in uniform.
12:30 school-wide Religion Bee.
Friday - LEGO Team leaves for State Competition in Louisville. Please
pray for safe travels and success.
CSW Theme - In our Nation - Students may dress in their favorite American Hero
(no sports people). T-Shirt design winner announced.
Up-Coming Dates to
February 9th - 5th
Grade ACRE Testing 5A & 5C
February 10th 5th Grade ACRE Testing 5B & 5D
February 10th - 9:00- Ash Wednesday Mass
February 12th- WFC Deadline
February 15th - No School in observance of President's Day.
February 16th - OCMS Open House & Information Session for our current sixth
February 17th - Confessions
February 17th 4th Grade Prayer Day
February 19th - Faith in Education
February 19th - Daddy/Daughter Dance
February 20th - Mom/Son Dance
February 23rd - Composition and FPS District Competition
February 25th - 9:00 Mass planned by Mrs. Clemens' class
February 26th - Non-Uniform Day
February 26th 9:15 Sixth Grade field trip to RiverPark
February 27th - District Academic Team Competition for 4th & 5th Grades