- 4th & 5th Grade Academic Team Practice. Focus Groups until
3:00. 3:00--3:45 Quick Recall Practice.
Tuesday -
5A & 5C ACRE Testing. OCMS Open House and Information Session for our
current sixth graders and parents at 6:00 PM.
- 5B & 5D ACRE Testing. 4th & 5th Grade Academic Team
Practice. Focus Groups until 3:00. 3:00--3:45 Quick Recall
Thursday -
9:00 Confessions. 4th Grade Prayer Day.
Friday -
Faith in Education shirts may be worn with uniform bottoms. Dad/Daughter
Dance 6:00 PM.
Up-Coming Dates to Remember
February 20th - Mom/Son Dance
February 23rd - Composition and FPS District Competition
February 25th - 9:00 Mass planned by Mrs. Clemens' class
February 26th - Non-Uniform Day
February 26th 9:15 Sixth Grade field trip to RiverPark
February 27th - District Academic Team Competition for 4th & 5th Grades