
Monday, February 8, 2016

Possible Questions and Answers for Saint Biography:

Possible Questions:

1. What if there is very little information about my saint?
For many saints, especially from the early years of the church, there is very little known about them. Just find as much information as you can and use many sources. You may also decide to choose a different saint if you cannot find enough information about one.

2. May I use the internet to research my saint?
Yes. You may use the websites I listed on the instruction sheet or any Catholic website that you want. When searching, use the search “Catholic Saints”.

3. What if I don’t have a computer?
No problem. Just use books for your sources. Our school and public libraries have lots of saint books. We will take some time to type here at school, so make sure you have all of your information organized into a rough draft so we are ready to type and turn in the final copies by the due date!

4. Do I have to have a resources/works cited page?
Yes. We will not be doing a formal “bibliography” page, but all sources used must be listed on the last page of the report. ***Any time you are writing a research paper, you must list where you got the information to make sure the original authors receive credit for their work. List all your sources, including authors, copyright dates, and where you obtained pictures of your saint if possible. The report should be in your own words. If you copy anything directly, like a quote that the saint said, use quotation marks to avoid plagiarism.

5. How long does this paper have to be and when is it due?
This paper must be at least 2 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, size 12. Page numbers are optional. A cover page (in front) and resources page (on back) must also be included, but these 2 pages are NOT counted in the total amount of pages.