
Monday, January 4, 2016

School Updates

Weekly Calendar
Monday - Welcome Back!  Team 3 LEGO Practice 3:30.  4th & 5th Grade Academic Team Practice.  Focus Groups 2:15-3:15.  Quick Recall Practice 3:15-4:00.  All students need to bring a snack.  If your child is staying for Focus Groups only, pick up will be at 3:15.  Pick up in front of the school on 23rd Street please.

Tuesday -  Aces Crusaders Meeting until 3:15.

Wednesday -  8:00 Bluegrass Assembly.
Thursday - 9:00 Mass planned by Mrs. Buechlein's class.  Fr. Jegin will be celebrating with us. Please join us.      

Friday - Faith in Education shirts may be worn with uniform bottoms.  Reports Cards Go Home. 

Up-Coming Dates to Remember
January 14th - Prayer Service planned by Mrs. Clemens' class.
January 18th - No School in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.
January 21st - Prayer Service planned by Mrs. Fleming's class.
January 28th - Prayer Service planned by the Sixth Grade.
January 31st - Catholic School's Week Begins