Weekly Calendar
- 9:00 Holy Day Mass of the Immaculate Conception planned by
Mrs. Kauffeld's class. Fr. Josh McCarty will be celebrating with
us. Aces Choir and Aces Crusaders perform at the Carmel Home at 3:00.
Thursday - 9:00 Advent Service.
12:30 5th Grade DARE Graduation. Sixth Grade Band Christmas Concert 7:00
PM Immaculate Parish Hall.
Friday - Faith in Education shirts with uniform bottoms.
Up-Coming Dates to
December 14th Advent
December 16th - Advent Service Fair
December 17th - 9:00 Mass planned by the sixth grade class/12:45 Advent Service
December 18th - AR Cut-Off/End of Quarter/12:30 Advent Program/No Extended
School Day
December 21-January 3rd - Christmas Break
January 4th - Return to School!