
Monday, December 14, 2015

Weekly Calendar
Monday - 8:05 Advent Service and Advent Program practice for 4th-5th grade immediately following service.

Tuesday -  8:10 Advent Program Practice and Excellence Assembly immediately following practice around 9:15.

Wednesday - 8:10 Advent Program practice.  12:45 Advent Service Fair in classrooms.

Thursday - 8:00 Advent Program Practice.  9:00 Mass planned by the Sixth Grade class.  Fr. Ken Mikulcik will be celebrating with us. Please join us.  12:45 Advent Service Fair in classrooms.    

Friday - Non-Uniform dress for Advent Program.  (No jeans, shorts or athletic pants, please.)  AR cut-off day and end of the second quarter!  12:30 Advent Program.  Students may be checked out from their classrooms immediately following the program.  No Extended School Program this day. 

Up-Coming Dates to Remember
December 21-January 3rd - Christmas Break
January 4th - Return to School!